G'Day Everyone,
I would just like to ask a favour of you, on my home page if you scroll down you will see there is a poll and survey, it would be much appreciated if you could please fill them out for me. I really need some feedback on my website and I would appreciate it if you have an advice or ideas to share with me.
Thank you,
I believe the BEST way YOU personally can make a difference is to watch the film 'The Cove' not only is it enjoyable and interesting, every time someone sees this film it helps raise awareness and create the need for change. All you have to do after watching the film, is pass the word on and tell someone else to watch the film.
Want to know more about the cove? Simply visit: http://www.thecovemovie.com.au/
Hello Everyone,
It has been quite a while since my last blog, but weebly hasn't exactly been working very well.
The process of dolphin coservation has been going pretty well lately. Just sending out letters to leaders and organisations as well as signing petitions is making a difference! Maybe you should try it. Each little thing you do to help is taking us a step closer to success so please, whenever possible help out.
My petition is still going with now having 96 signatures. 
It would be much appreciated by all if you could sign it  http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/dolphinrescue.
The process of my fundraiser is going very slowly at the moment and hopefully will be able to hold it in October holidays, If not at the end of the year.
Thankyou for reading,


Love It, Don't Hurt It Please help save the dolphins from the annual and inhuman dolphin slaughter that happens ever year. Don't ignore the desperate cry for help, and save a dolphin today.