Hello Everyone!
It has been a long time, hasn't it? I'd like to let everyone know that I am still passionate about the dolphin slaughter and spreading the word. School is stressful and I am in my last year. Once school is complete I can place a strong focus on the conservation of dolphins and intend to do anything I can to help. 
I hope you are all still passionate as well about this issue! The OPS has said that less dolphins are being killed each year. WE REALLY ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE. But we need it to end when NO dolphins are being slaughtered!
For now,Jasmina.
Save The Dolphins
6/16/2013 10:00:58 am

Hello Jasmina,

I was wondering how much money you have raised in order to save dolphins?

-- Save the Dolphins 2013


12/1/2014 09:36:42 am

Hey Jasmina,
I had an exhibition at school last year and I did mine on Dolphin Cruelty. I raised much awareness, I created a booklet, and raised HKD$1,000 on my own by selling homemade bracelets and stones.


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Love It, Don't Hurt It Please help save the dolphins from the annual and inhuman dolphin slaughter that happens ever year. Don't ignore the desperate cry for help, and save a dolphin today.